Ideas never make the greatest company. Only great people make a great one
Only a great group of people make legendary achievements
The idea does not matter to make the greatest company. I believe only great people make the great ones. For me, people (including investors) are the most matter to me. This is deeply what I learned from my own experience in the last 10 years. Why do we call it creativity? "Creativity !!! because it is the never-ending pond of water". This is the reason why I don't spend time on thinking or ideating new ideas. Rather than that, I would like to build my own technical skill set so that I can be ready to develop anything that I want at the right timing. While I am learning technical skills, I will look for someone who can be my partners and someone who can go for longer periods of our journey together.(To work with the greatest people, first! i should be the greatest one and then growing exponentially for myself) This step will be the keystone for success. The idea never makes a successful company. Only a great group of people (including investors) make the greatest achievements. Period.