Github copilot is a your technical co-founder
AI agents could be your future co-workers
I have used GitHub copilot during recent several days. Amazingly, programming productivity has increased and more seamless than that I use chatGPT and my own development experiences become delightful to build. Wait a minute! I think AI agents could be your future co-founders or co-workers for you to work with. You don't need to spend tons of money to hire workforces or spend tons of time to search for technical co-founders. I think this will drastically transform the landscape in the startup world. And also this will change the rule of startups in the jungle of games. AI agents don't have emotional waste. They just get commands from us to build, make, and design products as I wish!!!
Only hire people who you love to work with
Only hire people who you love to work with. Or find another visionary person who can be your co-founder... someone who has a great fit with you. Other than that, there are tons of tools, and AI agents that help you to build better products. You just leverage them for your company operations. Finding a co-founders or co-workers is kind of getting married to someone. We should be deliberated to meet new ones.
The rule for startup strategy is changed
I think that a strategy like "Getting massive investments and wasting multi-million dollars" is an outdated and old-fashioned strategy in the era of GPT. The only reason to get massive investment in the era of GPT is that you need to support operation budgets for your company as it exponentially grows...such as cloud server costs etc. Other than that, I think every startup should be in the mode of tight budgeting in the era of "Quantitative tightening by the Fed". At least for now, Surviving is way more important than growth.